Music Rooms
M.A.C. has 2 music rooms (Junior and Senior music rooms) which have all kinds of instruments covering the percussion, woodwinds, brass and strings families. Students explore their talent by singing and by playing these different instruments in solos or a band setting.
Our music rooms features:
Soundproofed and air-conditioned practice rooms.
Simple to sophisticated, continuously upgraded musical instruments.
Enough spaces for individuals and group rehearsals.
Our music curriculum is designed to:
Develop the sensory skills of the student as well as the rhythmic skills (hearing and singing) with interoperability skills (visual hearing / motional hearing).
Help students who have trouble speaking to correct their speaking at an early age.
Introduce students to the different musical instruments and their functions so students can learn how to perform and explore their talents.
Discover individual talents and develop them through individual and group performances, which encourage students to become more self-confident and aware of their hidden skills.