Our Mission
M.A.C. provides an educational setting, which enables students to acquire the academic knowledge and develop the learning skills necessary to succeed in higher education and to work and prepare for adulthood, both personally and professionally. This is achieved in the context of acquiring respect for and knowledge of their cultural heritage and the ability to function in a competitive international environment.

Our Objectives:
M.A.C. students will develop and demonstrate:
The ability to work independently and deal effectively with the risks and challenges of pursuing both short and long term goals.
Knowledge of religion and the Arabic language.
An understanding of the interdependence of the global community and an awareness of the issues that challenge its future.
The academic skills and knowledge required to gain entrance to and succeed in competitive local and international universities.
The abilities to integrate knowledge from different disciplines, to solve problems and to think analytically.
An international sensibility which includes compassion for the needs of others and tolerance and understanding of other cultures.
The ability to persevere in acquiring new and deeper levels of understanding and the acceptance of personal responsibility for their own progress.
Our Vision:
Our graduates will:

• Know how to access information and analyze it.
• Think critically and solve problems.
• Be lifelong seekers of knowledge and understanding.
• Communicate and interact effectively.
• Appreciate their heritage and the impact it has on their lives.
• Be flexible and adaptable in a word of constant change.
Our Beliefs:
We believe that:
All children are capable of learning.
Every student‘s potential and capabilities must be fostered.
Education provides the key to success and fulfillment as adults in both one's professional career and one‘s personal life.
Students need the intellectual tools and social skills to function and adapt to an ever-changing international society.
The ability to read, write, and to articulate one‘s thoughts are fundamental tools which empower the individual over the course of a lifetime.
Students must be trained to access and utilize information through traditional and electronic research mediums.
We must prepare our students to be active citizens of the global community and to be ready to master ever-changing communications technology.
Students must develop the critical thinking and analytical skills needed to evaluate information, beliefs and value systems.
Students must be educated to develop a person code of conduct based on moral principles and compassion for others.
Students must learn to live in peace with all peoples of the world and offer service to their local communities as responsible citizens.
The study of fine arts and physical education are essential for the development of the whole child.